Sustainable Award for St Aidans School

St AidansPupils at St Aidans Church in Wales VA School in Wiston have celebrated gaining their silver Sustainable Schools Award.

They were presented with the award by Councillor Huw George, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People, Learning and the Welsh Language, at a special assembly this week.

Saving energy, reducing waste and living healthy lives have been the focus for pupils during the year, and this message has been passed on to adults. Information leaflets have been produced and pupils held a special evening for parents to encourage them to live more sustainably.

“The children have enthusiastically taken part in all the activities and continue to carry out these to help save our planet and reduce their carbon footprint,” said Tina Thomas, the school’s sustainable development co-ordinator.

“We are already working towards our gold award and will hopefully gain this in the summer with hard work from all involved.”

The Sustainable Schools Award scheme recognises efforts to improve quality of life and the environment without damaging the planet for future generations.

Pictured with pupils are Councillor Huw George, teacher Tina Thomas, Governors Yvonne Morgan and Pam James, and Janie Pridham from Sustainable Schools.


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