Revealing the Range- A new era of Audio-Visual experience in the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley

Be transported across the special landscapes of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in our revamped room to be revealed on Monday May 14th at Loggerheads Country Park.

Designed to showcase the archive of audio and visual resources collected over the years, this new facility at loggerheads Country Park will give visitors the opportunity to dip into the past, present and stories of our incredible landscape.

Materials available to view include the Crawford Films, digitised cine-films that provide a remarkable insight into rural life in the 1940s and 1950s. Richard Davies, the grandson of the last miller at Loggerheads Country Park shares his memories of the Park and brilliant flyover footage tells the story of our outstanding landscape.

The project has been supported by the Heritage Lottery Landscape Partnership Scheme and the Countryside Council for Wales’ Communities and Nature Project.

Erin Robinson, Community Participation Officer for the Heather and Hillforts Project said, “We are pleased to announce the launch of this room to allow access to these amazing films and audio files we have in archive. This new resource will enhance the experience of visiting the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley, in order to maximise visitor enjoyment and understanding of this special landscape.’

The five year Heather and Hillforts Project is developing a £2.3 million initiative for upland conservation work and has received a grant of £1.5 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund. For more information please visit

Communities and Nature (CAN) is a strategic project under the Environment for Growth (E4G) Theme of the Convergence Programme and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government. CAN is being led and managed by the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW).

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