Davies: FM backtracks on NHS ‘achievement’ claim

The First Minister has appeared to backtrack on his recent claim that health boards had made a ‘remarkable achievement’ in balancing their books.

When questioned by the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly, Andrew RT Davies AM, Carwyn Jones claimed LHBs had ‘more or less’ met their targets.

His change of tone follows a recent government press release entitled: ‘Remarkable Achievement: NHS Wales breaks even’. In reality, and apparent only in the last paragraphs of the press release, three had been bailed out with over 12 million pounds of public funding drawn down from the following year’s budgets.

The revelation came despite months of assurances from the health minister that all LHBs would balance their books and none would be bailed out. The minister made clear that if this did not happen, sanctions would be imposed.

Speaking after First Minister’s Questions, Mr Davies said:

“The government’s initial arrogant claims and cynical attempts to mislead the Welsh public have been found out and rubbished.

“The first minister’s response today makes it clear that last week’s claims were no more than a ham-fisted attempt to look competent. They failed. Despite assurances that no health board would be bailed out, three were. Despite assurances that all health boards would break even, three didn’t.

“These bail-outs prove that our NHS is being massively underfunded by Carwyn Jones and frontline services continue to suffer at the hands of his record-breaking cuts. Welsh Conservatives have long warned that this situation is unsustainable.

“Rather than increase investment for the NHS the Welsh Labour Government continues to paper over the cracks, mislead the public, and leave health boards desperately treading water.”


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