Flint Masterplan

Major progress has now been made in developing a long term strategy for the future of Flint Town Centre.

The Masterplan for the town was completed in March 2012 by consultants DTZ/Taylor Young following an extensive programme of consultation with the local community. The plan was considered by Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet on 12 June .

The Flint Masterplan covers a wide range of improvements, including investment in housing, the town centre and in making far more use of the currently underused historical, cultural and environment assets of the town. Flint has a Townscape Heritage Initiative in place and this is progressing well, with 5 schemes due to be completed in the next 12 months.

The Old Court House on Church Street will soon be restored to its former glory and brought back into use as a café, something much needed in the town. Confidence in the town is also increasing with a number of long standing vacant sites and premises now being acquired for development by both the private and public sectors.

Councillor Peter Macfarlane, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Leisure said:

“Our town centres are very important to us, we want to see a vibrant, attractive town centre for Flint, one that serves not only the local community, but also makes much more use of the range of cultural, environmental and historical assets that the town has. The Flint Masterplan sets out a realistic, achievable, long term vision for the town. We are committed to enhancing the town and want to make Flint a more attractive place for both residents and visitors.”


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