AM: Data Shows Public Opinion is in The Bag

Wrexham Assembly Member, Lesley Griffiths has praised the leadership shown by the Welsh Government after new data emerged showing charges for reusable carrier bags are being well received by the public.

A Cardiff University report into how the Welsh public opinion on the new 5p charges for single-use carrier bags was published this week, showing perceptions of the change have improved markedly since the policy came in.

The number of people opposing the policy it has fallen dramatically, and the number on favour risen in since the policy was brought in on October 1st 2011. The number of people in favour has jumped almost a third from 35% to 49%, and the number who oppose or strongly oppose the move have declined by a comparable amounts (9-6% and, 17-11% respectively).

When asked if charging for single use carrier bags was a good way to reduce waste and litter,  the number of positive respondents has also jumped by around a fifth compared to before the charge was introduced. The majority of people now respond positively to the policy.

Data also reveals carrier bag charging is having a dramatic effect upon behaviour, with the number of people who always bring their own bags rising by a third, from 24% to 64%.

Speaking of the results, Lesley Griffiths said:

“The bringing in of charging for Single-use carrier bags was a brave move. As this data shows, a significant number of people were against the policy before it came in.

“However, the Welsh Government has shown leadership on this issue, and I am pleased to see public opinion following that lead.

“Reduced usage of carrier bags helps the environment, and saves Local Authorities money long-term.  People are seeing for themselves the benefits outweigh the inconvenience of using reusable bags.

“This is another policy area in which Wales is leading the way, and I would not be surprised to see other areas adopting the Welsh approach. “


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