Online visitor information in Monmouthshire about to get smarter

Monmouthshire County Council is offering financial support for groups of tourism businesses or communities to develop new digital tourism networks or to improve existing networks.

ICT has brought about great change to the way potential visitors search for and book holidays, and how they access information about their holiday destinations when they are there. This programme of support seeks to assist tourism businesses and communities in adopting new technologies that enable them to meet visitor expectations and become more competitive in the market place as a result.

Funded through the ‘Welcome Monmouthshire’ Rural Development Plan for Wales project, successful proposals may well be eligible for 100% of the costs. Applications for support must be based on a sound business case, and the specific needs of the target market. Consideration will focus on the number of tourism businesses that will be supported to access new markets or penetrate existing markets more effectively and the extent to which new technologies are being used to deliver an enhanced visitor experience thereby maximising benefits for the destination.

Welcome Monmouthshire Project Manager, Nicola Smith said: ‘this initiative complements what is on offer in other parts of the country through Visit Wales’ Digital Tourism Business Framework to ensure Monmouthshire tourism businesses can access the same type of support as businesses in other parts of Wales’.

Further details and an application pack are available at:  Alternatively, contact Monmouthshire County Council’s Welcome Monmouthshire Project Officer, Mark Lloyd on 01633 644865 or email [email protected] . The deadline for submission of completed applications is Friday 10th August 2012.


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