Careers Carousel Putting Pupils’ Career Plans in a Spin

Meadowlane Primary School will host a special careers event for Year Five and Six pupils at the school on Tuesday 17 July.

The careers carousel will give pupils the opportunity to meet people from a wide range of careers to find out what they do and the qualifications and experience they needed for their chosen careers.

The event has been organised by Communities First to inspire pupils about their future careers.  The pupils will be meeting a nurse, a representative from the local police, a gym instructor, a journalist, a beautician, an environmentalist and a florist.

At ‘careers carousels’ the pupils are split into groups which circulate around the room to meet each volunteer in turn.  They then have ten minutes to hear about what their job involves and to ask questions.

Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Julia Magill, said: “The ‘careers carousel’ provides a great opportunity for pupils to find out more about a variety of different careers. Hearing people’s accounts first hand will hopefully inspire the pupils to find out more about a  particular profession and start to think about the need  to work really hard in school to ensure they can follow a successful career path

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who have taken time out of their busy schedule to talk to the pupils at Medowlane.”


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