Survey shows Monmouth residents eager to cut energy costs

A survey run by community group Transition Monmouth and Monmouthshire County Council has revealed that residents in Overmonnow are keen to cut energy bills and want to know more about keeping the heat in, the cold out and saving money into the bargain.

The survey – funded by the Department of Climate Change – examined residents’ attitudes and behaviour towards energy efficiency.  Everyone who took part was entered into a prize draw, won by Michael Lewin of Fitzroy Close.  Mr Lewin is the lucky recipient of a Pizza Express voucher worth £50.

Also incorporated within the funding are booklets full of energy saving tips with associated fridge magnets.  Free copies are available at Monmouth Library and the town’s One Stop Shop.  In addition, six Overmonnow families volunteered to take part in a project to determine how small changes will make a difference to their bills.  These include switching off appliances on stand-by and ensuring lofts and walls are insulated.

Local county councillor Sue White said: “This funding really helped us to get a good idea of our residents’ attitudes to energy efficiencies and how small changes really do make a difference”.

Photograph: Councillor Sue White presents vouchers to Mr Lewin

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