The Twits by Roald Dahl, adapted by David Wood

Outdoor Theatre at: Wlesh Wildlife Centre | Canolfan Natur Cymru Cilgerran.

In 2010 Illyria was the first UK open-air touring company to be granted permission to perform the work of Roald Dahl. Following sensational sell-outs of James and the Giant Peach and Fantastic Mr Fox Illyria now return with an even bigger Dahl classic – THE TWITS. This all time children’s favourite will be performed on Sunday 19 August at 4pm, in the beautiful setting of the Welsh Wildlife Centre, Cilgerran.

Illyria promises a slimy, stickily, revoltingly funny show, from the most popular children’s author in the world. There is no doubt that this show will be a continuation of the high standards Illyria brings in every show.

This classic children’s story is all about a foul couple, Mr and Mrs Twit, who spend their time playing cruel tricks on one another. Until one day, they decide to open up a circus, in which they capture a family of monkeys, and brutally train them to perform in the ring. The monkey family are helped by the local birds to escape, through them tricking Mr and Mrs Twit into thinking the world had turned upside down.

If you DON’T want to see someone finding a glass eyeball in their beer; if you DON’T want to see someone picking scraps of food from someone else’s beard and eating them; if you DON’T want to see someone tucking into worms thinking they’re spaghetti – then DON’T SEE THIS SHOW!!!

This show is presented at the Welsh Wildlife Centre, Cilgerran in partnership with The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and Theatr Mwldan. Tickets for the show are £13 each (£11 concessions, £9 children) Book now via or by calling Theatr Mwldan’s Box Office on 01239 621200.

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