Montgomeryshire MP Deeply Dissapointed By News Shrewsbury Prison Will Be Closed

Glyn Davies, Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire, has expressed his disappointment over the news that The Dana HM Prison in Shrewsbury is to be closed.

Secretary of State for Justice Chris Grayling MP today announced that seven prisons around the UK were to be closed, including The Dana Prison in Shrewsbury. The closures will come as part of government plans to build a new ‘super-prison’ which will hold 2000 prisoners. The move is also designed to save costs, with up to £63 million per year expected to be saved by closing what the Justice Secretary described as “old and uneconomic” prisons.

Commenting on the announcement that The Dana prison will be closed, Glyn Davies said:

“I am very disappointed by the announcement that The Dana prison in Shrewsbury is to be closed. The closure will have a very negative impact on mid Wales as well as Shropshire. One of the biggest challenges that prisons face is to ensure prisoners do not lose contact with their home communities, particularly as this community contact reduces re-offending. I have spent two days with Governor Gerry Hendry who has developed a very good performance in rehabilitating prisoners – greatly reducing the likelihood of an early return to prison. Under the Gerry Hendry regime, Shrewsbury Prison has been an example for the whole country. The Lord Chancellor has just made a statement about his commitment to improving rehabilitation, and reducing re-offending. I desperately hope the innovation and successful rehabilitation achievements seen at Shrewsbury Prison can be transferred to the other prisons to which local prisoners will be transferred – including any new ‘super-prison’ that will be built.”


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