Historic Occasion for the National Assembly as first private members bill passed

Peter_BlackThe very first Private Member’s Bill under the Assembly’s new powers has finally become a reality as Assembly Members voted through Peter Black AM’s Mobile Homes Bill today.

In 2011 Peter Black was given the opportunity, through a Private Member’s Ballot, to introduce legislation of his choice.  He decided to introduce a Bill that would seek to protect people by bringing in fair, easy to use processes and clear rights for both mobile home residents and site owners.

This is the first piece of legislation that has been introduced through a Private Members Ballot that has been passed in the fourth Assembly.

Peter Black, Assembly Member for South Wales West, said:

“I got into politics to make a difference to people’s lives and that is exactly what this Bill will do.

“This Bill will help to solve many of the problems and issues that Mobile Homes owners deal with on a daily basis.  Under the current law there is little protection for residents from unscrupulous park homes site owners; a minority of whom may exploit their position for personal gain.  My Bill will stop this unfairness.

“The people of Wales now have a new system that will protect them by bringing in fair, easy to use processes and clear rights for both residents and site owners.  The Bill will develop a ‘fit and proper’ persons test for mobile home site owners, and a licensing system, so that mobile home owners can be confident that their site is effectively managed.”

“Our modern National Assembly has brought Residential Mobile Home sites into the twenty first century with this Bill.  This is a modern, fit for purpose licensing system that protects the vulnerable, gives local Councils the tools they need to oversee site management and ensures that site owners are fit for purpose.

“I look forward to the Mobile Homes (Wales) Bill receiving Royal Ascent and the implementation of the Act of the National Assembly in Wales.”


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