UCAC: Welsh as a Second Language report warmly welcomed

CymraigUCAC education union has warmly welcomed a report published today about the future of Welsh as a Second Language – and is urging the First Minister and the Education Minister to take urgent action in response to its recommendations.

Elen Davies, UCAC’s National President who is also an ‘Improving Welsh and Bilingualism’ Teacher in Carmarthenshire said: “The Independent Group has taken a detailed and honest look at the situation of Welsh as a Second Language in our schools – and has come to the sobering conclusion that the current system is totally inadequate.

“The report makes far-reaching and exciting recommendations that could transform learners’ chances of becoming fully bilingual citizens – with all the benefits which that entails.

“UCAC is now looking forward to working with the Welsh Government to turn the report’s vision into reality – to take the initial steps and to plan for the longer-term aims.

“With the results of the census still ringing loudly in our ears, there’s no time to waste in getting started on this important task.”


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