Millar & George: Commission to Tackle Gum Scourge

Darren_MillarWelsh Conservatives have learnt that the Welsh Government has commissioned research into new ways of tackling the scourge of chewing gum on Welsh streets.

Darren Millar, Assembly Member for Clwyd West, recently proposed a new levy of 5p on chewing gum to help deter the anti-social behaviour associated with gum and support local authorities in cleaning up the mess it creates.

The levy was voted down by the Welsh Labour Government, but the debate succeeded in putting the issue on the political agenda.

Darren Millar AM said, “Millions of packets of chewing gum are sold in Wales every year, but too many, having been chewed, are discarded and litter our environment.

“Chewing gum can blight our streets, encouraging other forms of anti-social behaviour and contributing to a sense of neglect and a loss of pride in our communities.

“As anyone who has unfortunately stood on someone’s discarded chewing gum will testify, it is as notoriously difficult to clean from shoes and clothes as it is from the streets.

“Local authorities spend millions of pounds every year cleaning up our streets funded by the taxes of hardworking people.

“For as long as a minority of thoughtless individuals continue to chuck their chewed gum on the floor, society will face the scourge of chewing gum, but there are ways to tackle it.

“I welcome the Welsh Government’s response to my proposed chewing gum levy by commissioning research into this and other environmental crime which affects people’s quality of life.”

Russell George AM, Shadow Minister for the Environment, said, “Darren Millar’s campaign to push the problem of chewing gum litter up the political agenda has forced the Welsh Labour Government to act.

“By tackling environmental crime, we can promote pride in our communities and deter other forms of anti-social behaviour.

“By tackling littering and environmental crime, we can clean up Wales and reduce the financial burden on local authorities, which is paid for by the council taxes of hardworking people.”


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