Sandbach: Labour’s slow progress on fly-grazing

Antoinette_SandbachCommenting on the publication of the Welsh Government’s Control of Horses (Wales) Bill, Antoinette Sandbach AM, Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, said:

“While we welcome any progress, Carwyn Jones’ Labour Government has been tortuously slow in bringing forward any measures to tackle fly-grazing.

“For years, Welsh Conservatives have been standing up for the communities affected by fly-grazing and calling for a pro-active response from this Labour government.

“We must ensure that animal welfare is taken far more seriously and that measures are in place so that those responsible for the abuse and abandonment of animals are held responsible for their actions.

“While we welcome many of these proposals, it does not excuse the delay at the heart of government, which has ignored the plight of abandoned horses and the impact on local communities.”


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