MCC Invites Residents’ Views on ASDA Development in Caldicot

AsdaMonmouthshire County Council is to commission a scheme to ensure that effective connections are established between the ASDA foodstore development in Caldicot and the town’s current shopping area. The retailer completed contracts with the council last month to build a supermarket close to the town’s comprehensive school.

Architects Mountford Pigott are to consult businesses, shoppers and the public about the development at the former Shoefayre store, from 10 am to 4pm on Tuesday 22nd October.

Consultation will continue on Thursday 24th October from 5pm to 9pm and Saturday 26th October from 10am to 3pm hosted by Caldicot’s Town Team – a new volunteer organisation which aims to create a thriving, vibrant and economically prosperous town centre.  The Town Team will also seek to recruit people who can offer their services.

The council’s Special Projects Manager, Colin Phillips explained:  “ASDA coming to Caldicot is a big opportunity for the town.  But it’s vital that we make sure it is well connected to ensure new shoppers to Caldicot make those linked trips to the existing town centre.”

“Our architects are keen to speak to as many people as possible on the day to understand better the nature of the site and local people’s expectations.”

The council intends to hold a similar consultation event before Christmas.


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