UCAC Welcomes a Made-to-measure Curriculum for Wales

UCACUCAC education union has given a welcome to proposals announced by the Welsh Government today to reform the curriculum and assessment arrangements for schools in Wales.

The Minister, Huw Lewis, divided his proposals into two parts – the first, which sets literacy and numeracy at the heart of the new system, to be put into action from September 2014. The second part is more far-reaching and will include the creation of a Curriculum for Wales.

Rebecca Williams, UCAC’s Policy Officer said: “Ever since the introduction of the Literacy and Numeracy Framework, it was clear that there were going to have to be changes to the curriculum and assessment arrangements to ensure that everything was pulling in the same direction.

“In addition to that, the Minister’s proposals will seek to create to clear path for skills development from the Foundation Phase right through to the Welsh Baccalaureate. UCAC welcomes that very much.

“The second step of the project is for the longer-term and is extremely exciting. For the first time ever, we’ll have a system that is designed specifically for the needs of Wales.

“We’ve been making do with an unsuitable curriculum and ineffective assessment arrangements for too long, and any improvements have merely been tinkering around the edges. This is our opportunity to create a made-to-measure curriculum for the learners and schools of Wales.”

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