Davies: Labour Failed to Deliver M4 Relief Road

Brynglas_Tunnels-580Commenting on confirmation that the Conservative-led Government is to enable the building of an M4 relief road around Newport, Byron Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Transport, said:

“Welsh Conservatives have long campaigned for an M4 relief road, which is essential to ease congestion on the main arterial route through South Wales.

“Since 1999, Welsh Labour Ministers have sat on their hands as the M4 has been creaking under the increasing strain of heavy traffic, damaging economic activity along the length of the M4 corridor.

“Labour Ministers had many opportunities to invest and make the M4 fit for purpose during the years of plenty but constant dithering and a lack of leadership failed to deliver the 21st century transport network required to attract jobs and investment.

“We are delighted to see Conservatives in government taking action, where Labour failed, to enable the building of this long overdue project, which is vital to Wales’ economic future.

“This is more evidence of Conservatives taking decisions to secure economic growth and support hardworking people while Carwyn Jones’ lazy Labour administration simply sits on its hands.

“This is also tribute to the work of local campaigners, Conservative Assembly Members and activists in South East Wales who have worked so hard for this goal.”

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