Lottery Success for Parc Taf Bargoed

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is delighted to announce that it has secured two major grants for a project, which aims to develop environment and heritage activities in Parc Taf Bargoed, Trelewis.

A sum of £321,173 has been secured from the Big Lottery Fund’s People & Places Programme and a further £350,000 is expected from the Heads of the Valleys Programme.

The Communities Changing Landscapes project will create three new full-time jobs and extend the existing Parc Pavilion to establish a Heritage, Environment and Visitor Centre.  It will also fund a pilot project to develop informal play to involve children more in what happens in the Park.  It will also benefit the local community by improving the offer of nature activities and by promoting the local network of trails to encourage people to walk and cycle more.

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council developed the Taff Bargoed Regeneration Strategy in 2006, and this project is a key part of that strategy.  The project will be delivered in conjunction with Taff Bargoed Regeneration Partnership and the Tri County Play Association and will work closely with the Friends of Parc Taf Bargoed and the Taff Bargoed Communities First Partnership.

Tony Rogers, Deputy Leader of Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and Portfolio Councillor for Customer Community Services, said: “This is wonderful news which will bring benefits and opportunities to the people of Merthyr Tydfil County Borough.  It will attract visitors from afar to enjoy our wonderful countryside and is yet another fine example of the good work being carried out by the Council to secure investments to bring 21st century facilities to the County Borough”.

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