Latest Round of Wales Economic Growth Fund Opens

Lesley_GriffithsAssembly Member for Wrexham Lesley Griffiths is encouraging businesses in the area to take advantage of the latest phase of the Wales Economic Growth Fund, with smaller businesses across Wales now able to apply for a share of £20m.

During this next phase of the Welsh Government’s flagship programme, companies are invited to bid for at least £100,000 to invest in growth and support job creation.

Earlier this year, the first round of the Wales Economic Growth Fund offered grants of between £50,000 and £100,000 and resulted in more than £9m being allocated to 135 projects. This created 980 jobs across Wales and safeguarded the future of almost 800 more.

Welsh businesses now have until 16 December to express an interest in applying for some of the remaining £20m.

Forms, guidance and frequently asked questions are available on the Business Wales website or can be requested by ringing the business helpline 0300 060 3000.

Wrexham AM Lesley Griffiths commented:

“This latest injection of finance reinforces the Welsh Government’s commitment to support businesses in Wales and I hope the scheme can provide the capital needed to invest in smaller enterprises, creating job opportunities and generating economic growth.”

“I trust businesses in Wrexham can benefit from the scheme and I recommend they apply for funding sooner rather than later.”

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