Davies: Welsh Government’s Toolbox Stocked

Paul_Davies_AMCommenting on the UK Government’s announcement on the detail of its response to the first set of recommendations of the Silk Commission, Paul Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Finance, said:

“We welcome the UK Government’s announcements on the support for the implementation of almost all the Silk Commission’s 31 recommendations.

“Under these plans, the Welsh Government will be made fully accountable for its spending decisions for the first time and forced to deliver value for money for taxpayers.

“We back the enabling of a referendum on the devolution of income tax and look forward to working with other parties to set out a clear roadmap to giving the people of Wales their say.

“As a package these proposals bring an end to the Welsh Labour Government’s culture of whingeing and blaming Westminster for its problems and introduce real accountability.

“The Welsh Government’s toolbox is now stocked with the tools to get on with the job of delivering prosperity and first class public services for Wales.”

Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Opposition, said, “Welsh Conservatives are the low tax party in Wales and welcome the devolution of new levers to make the Welsh economy more competitive to drive economic growth.

“We have long campaigned for reduced business rates, lower taxes and a more competitive economy to encourage private sector growth, inward investment and small business start-ups.

“This package of measures heralds infrastructure investment across Wales including along the M4 and gives the Welsh Government considerable levers to deliver for Wales.

“We now look forward to working with those across the political spectrum who wish to move towards an income tax referendum sooner rather than later so the people of Wales can decide.”

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