Council Agrees Free Car Parking in Abergavenny, Chepstow and Monmouth in the Lead up to Christmas

Free Christmas parking 15NOV2013

Cllr Phil Hobson (left) with Monmouthshire’s Chairman Cllr David Dovey look forward to free Christmas parking in Chepstow’s Welsh Street car park

Monmouthshire County Council has agreed with town councils and chambers of trade the dates for free parking in Abergavenny, Chepstow and Monmouth in the approach to Christmas.  This will be a repeat of previous successful free parking initiatives which gave a welcome boost to local shops and helped remind people of the county’s fantastic range of independent retailers.

Free parking dates in all three towns are as follows:

  • Saturday, 30th November
  • Saturday, 7th December
  • Saturday, 14th December

Cllr Phil Hobson, Monmouthshire County Council’s cabinet member for Community Development, said: “Free parking in the run-up to Christmas had been such a success over the past three years that it’s right to repeat it.  It costs the council around £17,000 in lost revenue each year but of course our towns benefit enormously from increased custom in shops and restaurants.  And it reminds people what a brilliant range of outlets we have in our towns.”

The council has produced a range of publicity to promote the free parking and the wide variety of shopping offered in Monmouthshire’s towns.

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