Runaway Success for Free Festive Parking in Monmouthshire Towns

ChristmasLightsSaturday, 30th November, the first of three days of free pre-Christmas parking in Abergavenny, Chepstow and Monmouth, has been declared a resounding success with retailers reporting excellent sales and overflowing car parks. 

Shoppers came from as far as Swindon to take advantage of distinctive high quality local goods while retailers were pleased to be able to compete on equal terms with larger shopping centres offering free parking.

Monmouthshire County Council had agreed dates for free parking with town councils and chambers of trade in the approach to Christmas, repeating an initiative that’s been running for the last three years.  Further festive free parking in the three towns will be available on Saturday, 7th December and Saturday, 14th December.

Cllr Phil Hobson, Monmouthshire County Council’s cabinet member for Community Development, said:

“I’m delighted that this year’s pre-Christmas free parking is proving every bit as successful as previous years.  Protecting the local economy is one of our three corporate priorities, so although it costs the council around £17,000 in lost revenue it’s right that our towns benefit enormously from increased custom in shops and restaurants.   And it reminds people what a brilliant range of outlets we have in our towns.”

The council has produced a range of publicity to promote the free parking and the wide variety of shopping offered in Monmouthshire’s towns.


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