Welsh Language Battle of the Bands at Central Library

Cardiff Logo smallTop Welsh musical talent from across South Wales will battle it out on December 14 as part of Brwdr y Bandiau – Battle of the Bands at Cardiff Central Library.

Over the last few weeks, the Music Department at Cardiff Central Library have been shortlisting Welsh speaking bands and musicians from throughout South Wales to take part in the competition. The competition was open to young people up to the age of 25, with the competition promoted through the library.

All of the finalists will be performing in the medium of Welsh, hoping to win the prize which consists of two days in a recording studio and a much coveted slot at the yearly Greenman Festival.

The night will provide plenty of top entertainment from up and coming talent, with the event being free. With space limited to a first come, first served basis.

Judging the event will be; Elin Fflur a Cardiff singer songwriter, currently working on BBC Cymru.  Esyllt Williams from Ciwodod, a Community Music Wales project which works with Welsh language music in the community, and Cardiff born artist Catrin Herbert.  Catrin has had a lot of recognition and has been a finalist in various competitions including Can i Gymru, Rock & Pop Awards and Song of the Year.

Cabinet Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice, Cllr Lynda Thorne, said: “Yet another diverse event organised by the Central Library team. What makes this battle of the bands so unique is it’s all in the Welsh language. With Womex recently taking place in the city, this has shown the importance of celebrating music from all different language’s across the world and in Wales its imperative we continue to celebrate our own language and do all we can to promote and nurture it.”

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