A boost for Gwynedd sports clubs

A number of sport clubs and organisations all over Gwynedd have reason to celebrate after receiving financial support from a special fund.

Through Gwynedd’s Community Chest Fund, eleven clubs have received a total of £12,946.58 between them to promote keeping fit or improve current resources. From netball to sailing, the Chest supports all kinds of sport across the county.

Sally Lloyd-Davies, Chair of Gwynedd Community Chest Committee said,

“Sports clubs and organisations play a vital role in our communities in Gwynedd. As well as promoting fitness, develop skills and improve health, they also give people the chance to meet new people and to socialise.

“It’s important that they receive as much support as possible and I’m sure that the funding boost from the Gwynedd Community Chest will continue to help and strengthen clubs all over the county.”

A total of 11 clubs have been successful on this occasion:

Bala Rugby Club – Funding will be used to establish a new mixed under 9’s team and to send members on first aid, child protection, refereeing and coaching courses.

Merched Caernarfon Hockey Club – The club intends to use funding to send seven members on a UKCC level 1 hockey coaching course and to complete the safeguarding and protecting young people in hockey course.

Y Ganolfan Edern – They’ll use the funding to open the Centre to offer new pool sessions for young people and adults. The grant money will also pay for equipment.

Glaslyn Lifesaving Club – Funding will be used to send coach on Beach Lifeguard trainer assessor course and to purchase additional and appropriate equipment.

Bangor Gymnastics Club – The club intends to use the funding to send four members on Women’s Artistic UKCC Level 1 course and to send two on a Club Judging course.

Pwllheli Rugby Club – Funding support will allow 4 members to go on a UKCC Level 2 Coaching course.

Bangor Cricket Club – Application was successful to develop and support an initiative to gain more players at under 13 and under 15 level.

Penygroes and District Netball League – They will use the funding to organise and pay for netball umpiring courses that will be available to all the teams that are in the Penygroes and District Netball league.

Dreigiau Dre – The club will use the grant funding to establish a new ladies netball team in Caernarfon. The grant money will pay for Coach Education, Equipment, new kit, and hire facility for the first 10 practice sessions.

Mynydd Eryri Cycling Club – Funding will go to establish a new mountain biking Club. The grant will pay for Coach Education and safety equipment.

Port Dinorwic Sailing Club – Funding will be used to purchase equipment to cater for an increase in numbers in the youth section.

For an application form for Gwynedd Community Chest funding, contact Gwynedd Council’s Sport Development Service on (01758) 704010. To receive guidance on the application process, contact Elwyn Jones, Gwynedd Council’s Sport Development Manager on (01758) 704067 or Rhian Dobson,  Gwynedd Council’s Assistant Sport Development Officer on (01758) 704057.

Timetable for Gwynedd Community Chest Panel Meetings 2011/12 and the closing dates for receiving completed applications.

Meeting            Closing date

5  September 2011       15 August 2011

7  November 2011        17 October 2011

6  February 2012        16 January 2012


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