A celebration of community achievement launches the signing of Flintshire’s Neighbourhood Agreements for 2011

The achievements of the communities in the three areas of Flintshire involved in a pilot Home Office scheme have been celebrated during a special event at County Hall, Mold recently.

Last year, Saltney, Flint Cornist and Sealand Manor were selected by the Home Office from over 100 applications as one of just 12 Neighbourhood Agreement Pathfinder pilot areas across England and Wales.

The Neighbourhood Agreement is a contract designed and agreed by the residents of the area and the providers of services (such as Flintshire County Council, North Wales Police and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service) which the residents believe will make their area a better place to live.

The service providers detail what they will do and, how, where and when they will do it. The residents agree on specific roles and responsibilities so that they can work with the service providers to ensure the best possible outcome for both sides. The scheme is being coordinated by the Flintshire Community Safety Partnership.

In December, all three communities signed their own individual Neighbourhood Agreements. On Friday January 28 at County Hall, a formal pledge encompassing all three Agreements was signed by representatives of the residents and the service providers involved.

Community Champions from each area were also presented with awards for their hard work and achievement in setting up the Agreements within their own locality.

The event was attended by Colin Everett, Chief Executive of Flintshire County Council, Lord Barry Jones, David Hanson, MP, Mark Tami, MP, and Carl Sargeant, AM.

Photograph: Back Row – Brett Sadler (Deeside Housing Manager), Paul Cunningham (Flint Cornist resident), Harry Wright (Flint Cornist resident), David Hanson (MP), Mark Tami (MP), Carl Sargeant (AM & Social Minister for Justice), Maxine Moar (Home Office), Rob Kirman (Superintendent North Wales Police), John Williams (Sergeant North Flintshire), Steve Cook (North Wales Fire & Rescue), Kevin Roberts (North Wales Fire & Rescue), Alan Ellis (Neighbourhood Watch)

Front Row – Colin Everett (Chief Executive, Flintshire County Council), Sandra Williams (Flint Cornist resident), Mary Southall (Sealand resident), Mavis Croft (Saltney resident), Edna Blandford (Sealand resident), Cherry Evans (Saltney resident), Lady Janet Jones (County High Sheriff), Gill Bennion (Saltney resident), Olwyn Williams (Flint Cornist resident), Sheryl Brown ( Flint Cornist resident), Graham Butlin (Neighbourhood Watch Volunteer), Paula Smith (Flint Cornist resident), Hannah Fargher (South Housing Manager).


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