A New Housing Support Service for Older People in Denbighshire

Denbighshire County Council Housing Services has launched a housing support service for people over 60 (or are younger but have disabilities) which is aimed at keeping residents who live in the County to stay independent in their own homes.

The service is similar to the hugely popular warden service council tenants receive in sheltered housing schemes all around Denbighshire. So, if you or someone you know can answer yes to any of the following questions then this service could be for you

  • Is this the first time you have lived alone?
  • Are you lonely and need help to meet new people?
  • Are you concerned about your lifestyle?
  • Is your home becoming to much for you to manage
  • Would it help to receive advice and assistance with benefits, budgeting or debts?
  • Do you need advice or support in managing and maintaining your home?
  • Do you need help and advice from other agencies but don’t know where to start?

Denbighshire has large numbers of older people, many of whom live alone. The Council’s ‘lifeline’ alarm already supplies reassurance to many and this service is available to provide that little bit of extra support to keep older people living independently in the community.

For further details contact the Housing Support Team on 01824 712939,
Email – [email protected]
Or write to,

Denbighshire Housing Services,

64 Brighton Road,
LL18 3HN

County Hall,
Wynnstay Road,
LL15 1YN

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