A New Year’s message from the Chairman of Monmouthshire County Council, Councillor Brian Hood MBE

2012 is going to be a challenging time for almost everyone in our county due to the economic problems here, and especially in the euro zone.  As your council we wish to do everything we can to ease those difficulties that we all face.

The council has three priorities, which are supported across the political parties.  These are protection of the vulnerable in our society, support of regeneration and enterprise and, most of all, our top priority, education, both in schools and colleges as well as general skills improvement.  In keeping with these priorities we hope to improve economic prospects for the future.  To do this we are determined to protect the council’s priorities, as well as many of the other services and to reduce our costs because we wish to keep council tax bills low.

Council members are very appreciative of the way management and staff have embraced the radical changes in the way we work.

We all hope everyone in Monmouthshire had an enjoyable Christmas and wish all in our county a happy and healthy New Year.

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