Abergavenny Museum to Undergo Five Day Maintenance Closure

MonmouthshireAbergavenny Museum will be closed from Monday 28th April to Friday 2nd May while essential work is carried out to the building’s air conditioning system. 

At the same time, museum staff will take the opportunity to re-jig the gallery space.

Curator Karin Molson said: “Visitors returning to the museum will notice that we are putting more emphasis on hands-on activities as we seek to create a space that will attract a variety of users – some visiting for the first time and others who have been many times before”.

The museum will reopen as usual on Saturday, 3rd May and will be open as usual on Monday, 5th May – May Day Bank Holiday.

For further details, telephone 01873 854282, email [email protected] or follow on Twitter @abermuseum

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