Aberystwyth…probably the best place in the world to be a student

Aberystwyth University is probably the best place in the world to be a student and has the highest level of student satisfaction according to 2009 International Student Barometer which is published this month (April).

Aberystwyth ranks #1 of 123 Higher Education institutions worldwide for the elements ‘good place to be’ and ‘overall student satisfaction’.

The International Student Barometer is the largest annual survey of students and has gathered information from more than 600,000 students worldwide since its establishment in 2005. It incorporates over 500 institutions on 5 continents.

Aberystwyth University performed exceptionally well in all aspects of a student’s experience.  From the initial welcome on their first weekend, through to the teaching and learning facilities and academic support, students at Aberystwyth reported that the quality of the academic experience available to them was amongst the very best.

Professor Martin Jones, Pro Vice Chancellor at Aberystwyth University commented: “Naturally we are delighted that the International Student Barometer has revealed that Aberystwyth University has both the highest level of student satisfaction and is considered the best place in the world to be a student. This confirms the considerable investment the University has made in the quality of resources and facilities available to students.”

“The International Student Barometer is a well regarded survey gathering information from students around the world. It is exceptionally pleasing that Aberystwyth University has performed so well.”

“This is the latest in a series of polls which have placed Aberystwyth among the top universities for the student experience. We are investing over £30million in our facilities and resources to ensure that our students continue to enjoy the very best. Our current students, and those who will join us in future, can be sure that they are, and will be, experiencing the best student environment that the UK can offer.”

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