Aberystwyth RNLI lifeboat assists drifting yacht

The Aberystwyth RNLI lifeboat was launched at 10:30pm on Sunday 25 July 2010 to assist a yacht with mechanical failure and was drifting towards the shore. The 24-foot yacht Maid Maria 2 was on passage from Porthdinllaen to the Bristol Channel with one person on board when it ran into difficulties five miles north-west of Aberystwyth.

The skipper of the yacht had planned to anchor overnight near Aberystwyth, but the yacht suffered engine problems as he attempted to motor to a safe anchorage position. Concerned that he was drifting towards rocks on the shoreline, the skipper sent out a “Pan Pan” distress message, which was received by Milford Haven Coastguard who called out the lifeboat.

The RNLI lifeboat was quickly on scene, and after putting a crew member on board the vessel, took it under tow to the safety of Aberystwyth harbour.


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