Ace adventurer Parks to carry Olympic Flame through Swansea

He’s scaled the world’s tallest peaks in record-breaking fashion and now ace adventurer Richard Parks is on his way to Swansea for an Olympic mission.

The ex-Wales rugby international has been picked as one of the Torchbearers for the Olympic Flame’s journey through the city in late May.

Richard, capped four times by Wales, is now more famously known as the only man to have ever climbed the highest summit in each of the world’s seven continents in just seven months as part of the 737 Challenge. He also stood on all three of the world’s poles in the same timeframe.

Swansea Council is helping support the Olympic Flame’s journey through the city and has now produced special maps to show people the route the torch will take.

Frances Jenkins, the Council’s Strategic Manager for Marketing, Tourism and Events, said: “It’s fantastic news that Richard Parks has been named as one of the inspirational Swansea torchbearers.

“His participation will raise the profile of Swansea’s build-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games at a time when we’re encouraging as many people as possible to embrace the Olympic spirit in our campaign called Be Part of It!

“The staging of the games in London is a fantastic opportunity for everyone in the UK to celebrate and feel part of what’s the biggest sporting showcase in the world.”

The Flame will arrive in Swansea in the late afternoon of Saturday May 26.

Torchbearers will start carrying the Flame at Langdon Road at about 5.45pm before it travels over the iconic Sail Bridge and onto Princess Way and Castle Square for about 6pm.

The Flame will then travel up Princess Way and will take a left along the Kingsway, St Helen’s Road and Mumbles Road before reaching Sketty Lane and finally Singleton Park.

An Evening Celebration Event will be held on a big stage at the park from 5pm to 7.30pm that will feature a selection of music, dance and sports activities. Tickets will be free and further details about the event and where tickets will be made available will soon be announced.

The Flame will restart its journey on Sunday May 27 from Bracelet Bay at about 6.55am before making its way through Mumbles and up Newton Road to Oystermouth Castle.

The Flame will return from the Castle and will then travel along Mumbles Road, Sketty Lane and Vivian Road on the way to Cockett Road before finally making its way to Carmarthenshire.

Richard said: “I am totally amped about Saturday May 26 when I will be carrying the Olympic Flame. I hope everyone comes down to Swansea to cheer me on and that everyone across Wales comes together to celebrate the Olympic Torch Relay travelling through our beautiful country.”

The 70-day Olympic Torch Relay will start at Land’s End in Cornwall on May 19 before travelling an estimated 8,000 miles around the UK. This means the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) will realise the aspiration of taking the Olympic Flame to within an hour’s journey time of 95% of the UK’s population.

Have a look at for more information or to see a map of the Swansea route for more information.


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