Act now to secure your say in 2011

Voters across the Caerphilly County Borough should now be receiving their annual voter registration forms. These could be the difference between having your say and losing your voice on the issues that affect you.

Next year you’ll have the opportunity to take part in the Welsh Assembly Election and in two potential referendums; one on the law making powers of the National Assembly for Wales and the other on the voting system for the UK Parliament.

By following the instructions on the form, you can ensure you will be able to have your say in these important events. Update the annual canvass with the details of everyone in your household who is eligible to vote and return the form as soon as possible. If your details haven’t changed you can also reply by phone or via the web.

This registration service is available on 24 hours a day 7 days a week throughout the registration period (mid August to the end of November). To access the website you will be asked to key in your 10 digit unique reference number printed on your registration form. By following the simple instructions provided you can confirm no change to your household’s registration in a few easy steps.

If your details are not on the electoral register you will not be able to vote and you may have difficulty getting credit.

Kay Jenkins, Head of the Electoral Commission’s Wales Office said: “Next year will be an exciting one for voters in Wales, with elections and two referendums planned, but you can’t have a say if you’re not on the electoral register.

“We already know that the Welsh Assembly election will be taking place on 5 May next year and the referendum on the law making powers of the National Assembly for Wales is planned for the Spring, so voters can start making preparations now to ensure they don’t miss out.”

For more information contact your Electoral Services on 01443 864405

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