Adizones Leave Olympic Legacy in Cardiff

Work has now begun on the construction of two adiZone sports facilities in Cardiff.

The adiZones are free, open space amenities designed in the shape of the London 2012 Olympic logo.

Cardiff Council was successful in securing two of the innovative outdoor multi-sports areas for the city, which will be developed in partnership with The Great Outdoor Company, specialists in supplying and installing outdoor gyms.

AdiZones are part of the Adidas UK’s sporting legacy following their sponsorship of the Olympics and aim to encourage more young people and families to get involved with sport and physical activity.

Each adiZone comprises of a modern 18 station outdoor gym, basketball area, football goal, tennis wall, climbing wall and an open area for aerobics, dance, martial arts, gymnastics and play.

Developments are already in full swing to erect the sites, which will be situated at Cardiff Bay Barrage and in Howard Gardens, Adamsdown.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells was joined by National Fitness Manager for The Great Outdoor Company, Greg Andrews on a site visit to mark the start of the exciting project.

Cllr Howells said: “From day one this project has received a hugely positive response from people in the community and I am confident that these facilities will be successful in making sport and healthy activities accessible to people of all ages, whilst also leaving an important legacy following London 2012.

Cardiff is looking forward to playing a key part in the Olympics having been selected as the Pre-Games Training Camp by the Australian and South African Paralympics teams and by the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic team.

“As well as economic benefits and upgraded training facilities, the Olympics will promote Cardiff on a World sporting stage.”

Photograph: Nigel Howells and Greg Andrews National Fitness Manager for The Great Outdoor Company

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