Adult Learning showcased at Cardiff University

The range of new skills and knowledge open to adults at Cardiff University is to be highlighted during Adult Learners’ Week.

The University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning is organising a variety of free, accessible and informative taster sessions for the Week, which runs nationwide from May 12 to 20.

The sessions give adult learners the chance to see the scale of opportunities on offer at the Centre. Tasters include  courses in modern languages, social media, study skills, history and community journalism. They also include  Foraging for Wild Food, where wild food expert Michele Fitzsimmons will introduce participants to seasonal plants and their uses.

Dr Richard Evans, Dean of Lifelong Learning, said: “We are proud to offer a wide range of courses to people from all walks of life and Adult Learners’ Week is the perfect opportunity for us to showcase what we do. Anyone with an interest in learning will enjoy and be stimulated by the free events we are holding.”

Sessions are free, with no booking required.  Most will be held at the Centre, on Senghennydd Road, Cardiff apart from the foraging activity which is at Forest Farm, Whitchurch. More details are available at or by calling 029 2087 0000.


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