Air Your Views on Cardiff’s Central Market and the Historic Arcades

Cardiff-MarketCardiff Council’s Economy and Culture Scrutiny Committee is keen to hear people’s views about Cardiff Central Market and the city centre’s historic arcades.

The Central Market and historic arcades are part of Cardiff’s rich cultural heritage and have been an iconic part of the city centre since the 1900s. Now, since the economic downturn and with the changing face of the city centre, the Committee wants to gather opinions on how the market and arcades can remain a thriving part of the city centre economy.

The Committee has commissioned a survey about Central Market and the arcades and is encouraging as many people as possible to submit their views. Please visit or

Chair of the Economy and Culture Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Craig Williams, said:” We are keen to hear people’s views about the market and the arcades which have been at the heart of city’s retail offer for over 100 years. We want to know if people shop there and if not, why not? We will also be looking for people’s opinions on improvements that can be made.

“The survey is very quick so I would encourage anyone with an interest in the market and historic arcades to give us their views.”


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