All in the mind for biology brainboxes

Seven future scientists from Coleg Gwent recently took part in Wales’ first ‘Brain-Bee’ competition at Cardiff University, designed to inspire students to think about how the human brain works and to encourage them to help find cures for brain disorders.

Coleg Gwent A-level Biology student Tamsin Richards scooped third place in the competition at the Neuroscience department of Cardiff University, which saw 70 students from schools and colleges across South Wales test their knowledge of the brain against each other. Coleg Gwent students also secured fourth, fifth and sixth places with their correct answers.

“The competition was a great way of getting students to focus on their knowledge of the brain, and I’m very proud of our students for doing so well,” said Dr Catherine Garland, Coleg Gwent Biology Lecturer at Coleg Gwent’s Crosskeys Campus.

“The experience really got students thinking about possible careers in biomedical brain research, and as the next generation of Welsh scientists, using their skills to help find cures for disorders such as Autism or Parkinson’s disease.”

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