All quiet on Halloween in south Flintshire

A determined effort to reduce anti-social behaviour around Halloween saw a dramatic drop in antisocial incidents in South Flintshire at the weekend.

As part of Operation Bang, which focuses on ways of reducing such behaviour around Halloween and bonfire Night, robust policing and diversionary activities, such as local discos and parties organised by the police and community groups, led to a steep reduction in calls of rowdy nuisance on Halloween.

District Inspector Martin Best said “South Flintshire has seen a 77% reduction in calls of Rowdy Nuisance this Halloween. These excellent figures show that our policing approach is right and producing results against what our communities are concerned about.

“I am particularly pleased with the fact that not a single report of rowdy nuisance was received in Buckley this Halloween and reflects the hard work undertaken by the four dedicated Buckley neighbourhood officers supported by the wider policing team.”

Meanwhile all crime across the district has fallen by 17.7% this year to date with burglary in the home falling by 31.6% and theft from vehicles by 38.3%.


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