AM Calls for Immediate Action over Town Centre Road Works

Local Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert has called for immediate action and clarity over the on-going road works in Caerphilly town centre.

Road works being carried out by Caerphilly County Borough Council, along with mains gas line repairs being carried out by British Gas, have caused delays, disruptions and diversions on the roads heading into and out of the town centre.

Jeff Cuthbert said: “A number of concerned residents and traders have contacted me recently about the on-going road works in Caerphilly town centre.

“The Council says it has given residents and traders sufficient notice of the disruption but local people and traders that have contacted me dispute this strongly. So perhaps the Council need to review their communication policies at the very least.

“I urge the Council to do everything in its power to speed up both sets of road works so that this disruption is brought to an end as soon as practically possible.

“I have also asked the Welsh Government to look into the matter and work with the Council to ensure such massive and inconvenient disruption does not happen again.”


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