AM Calls for Swansea’s “Hidden Gem” to be Resorted to Former Glory

Suzy Davies and Philip James and Tony-Fitzgerald

Suzy Davies and Philip James and Tony-Fitzgerald

Suzy Davies, Welsh Conservative Assembly Member for South Wales West, has called for Cadw to assist the Penllergare Valley Woods Trust in their restoration of their site just north of Swansea.

The restoration of the woods, which has been carried out with a mix of professional and voluntary work, has been going on for 14 years.

On a recent visit to the Woods, Suzy Davies said:

“I am amazed at the amount of partnerships the Trust has with the local community. Not only are they working with over 70 volunteers to restore it to it’s originally beauty, they also work with local schools and the ecology department at Swansea University.”

“This really is a hidden gem and it is a shame that more people do now know about it.”

Philip James, from the Penllergare Valley Woods Trust said:

“on the grounds there is also an observatory dating back to the 1850s which was one of the very first places in the world to photograph the moon. We are in the process of trying to secure funding from Cadw so that we can restore it to working order.”

Mrs Davies, who is the Shadow Minister for Heritage and Culture, added:

“If Cadw can follow through with the funding they have promised to the Trust we could have a fantastic education facility on our door step.”

Mrs Davies went on to say:

“The woods already give us a glimpse into Swansea’s past, as well as being a great location for the whole community to both keep active and to learn.”

“The restoration of the observatory would add a key educational tool to their school programme while also preserving some of Wales history at the same time.”

Mr James continued:

“we have applied for just over £14,000 of funding from Cadw and if we can secure this we could fulfil the obligation of the 25 year lease which Swansea Council have recently handed to us to restore it.”


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