AM hits out at WAG’s ‘costly consultancy culture’

Welsh Conservatives today revealed figures showing the Assembly Government spent £1million every month last year on consultancies.

Nick Bourne AM, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said “We recognise that from time to time there is a need to seek advice and expertise from outside government on how best to raise standards in public services.

“However, these figures reveal that significant sums of money are being spent on expensive consultants with serious question marks over whether this represents value for money for Welsh taxpayers.

“Especially when Wales is facing a tough economic climate, it is more important than ever that the people of Wales have confidence that public money is being spent to best effect.”

Concerns have been raised about a culture of secrecy surrounding consultancy fees after the Health Minister denied the existence of a damning and expensive report into the Welsh NHS.

Mr Bourne added, “Ministers need to reassure the public that they are spending from the public purse with due thrift.”


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