AM Presses for Noise Mitigation Improvements on A40 at Monmouth

Nick_RamsayMonmouth Assembly Member Nick Ramsay has written again to the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport, Edwina Hart AM, following further complaints from constituents about road noise and pollution on the A40 at Monmouth.

Residents who live in the New Dixton Road facing over Monmouth Comprehensive School playing fields towards the A40 have told Mr Ramsay that noise from the A40 has progressively worsened as the volume of traffic has increased.

“Constituents have pointed out to me that the current situation will certainly worsen if vegetation and trees are cleared to make way for the proposed Dixton retail development site,” said Mr Ramsay.

“If permission is granted for the new development site, noise screening will be a major priority for local residents.

“Residents are so concerned about the issues of air quality and noise pollution from the A40 that they are challenging Monmouthshire County Council and the Welsh Government.

“It is clear that this is a matter of grave concern to those living in the Dixton Road area and I will continue to press the Minister to see whether under the Noise Action plan there are any noise mitigation improvements scheduled for this stretch of the A40.”

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