AM Supports Campaign to Save Glanynant Memorial Hall

Local AM Jeff Cuthbert has declared his full backing for Labour’s bid to save Glanynant Memorial Hall.

A report to Plaid-led Caerphilly Council in September proposed that the Council could withdraw its financial support for the Hall in a round of cuts. After meeting with officers of the Council, the management committee of the Hall produced a further report that offered an affordable alternative to current funding that would sustain the Hall through the difficult times ahead.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said, “I think that the committee’s proposal is a sustainable option that will ensure that the Hall survives in Glanynant as an important and well used memorial to the fallen. I hope that the Council will accept it.”

Local councillors Hefin David, Wynne David and Graham Hughes endorsed Jeff’s statement and pledged to fight for the survival of the Hall in Council meetings.

Cllr Hefin David said, “The committee of the Memorial Hall have worked hard with council officers on this report and they have recognised the financial difficulties the Hall faces.”

If the management committee’s proposal is accepted, the Hall will be sustained through a grant system. Mal Smalley, chairman of the committee said that the Council has helped save the Hall in earlier recessions and that they can do so again with a new funding formula.

Caerphilly MP Wayne David added, “This is something that the Labour team in Glanynant feel strongly about and I have written to Mr Smalley to offer my help.”

A recommendation on the future of the Hall will be made to Caerphilly Council’s Cabinet at a meeting of the Council’s Education for Life Scrutiny Committee in later this month.

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