AM Supports Hijinx Theatre Protest

Chris Franks AM met with protestors at the Senedd who are campaigning against a decision to cut funding for the Hijinx Theatre Company.

The campaigners handed in a petition to Assembly Members on the steps of the Senedd.

Plaid Cymru AM Chris Franks said:

“Plaid has made representations on behalf of the theatre company and received assurances from the Chief Executive of the Arts Council of Wales, Nick Capaldi. I am very concerned that the excellent work of that the HijinxTheatre Company continues to offer communities across Wales maybe under threat. The Arts Council of Wales claims that the work that Hijinx does with learning disabled people will not end, regardless of the reduced level of funding provided.

“It is welcome that Hijinx Theatre continues to work with the Arts Councils of Wales to find a successful outcome. I believe the valuable work they do with organisations such as Cardiff People First and Rhondda Cynon Taf Day Services must continue. Hijinx Theatre Company has a proud history over the last 30 years in developing opportunities for people with learning difficulties. We cannot let austerity beat our ambitions for all the people of Wales.”

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