AM urges Assembly Committee to Write to Ministers over Dyfi River Crossing

Russell_GeorgeMontgomeryshire AM, Russell George, has urged members of an influential Assembly Committee to write to the Welsh Government, seeking a firm timetable on a decision for the future of the Dyfi Bridge crossing.

Mr George, who is a member of the National Assembly’s Petitions Committee that is currently examining a local petition supporting a new crossing over the Dyfi River, made a recommendation at its most recent meeting, that the Committee should write to the Transport Minister, Edwina Hart AM, to ascertain what conclusions had been drawn from research work commissioned by the Government earlier in the year. He also suggested the Committee obtain from Mrs Hart a firm timetable so that the public will know when a final decision will be made on the future of the Dyfi Bridge crossing.

The Welsh Government announced last February that four potential options had been considered and that more detailed investigative work into costings and environmental impact assessments were to take place later in the year. To date, no further announcement from Welsh Ministers has been made.

Commenting, Mr George said:

“A long-term, viable solution for the crossing has been eagerly anticipated by all the communities affected.

“We have had the four options on the table for some time and I hope Mrs Hart will now set out clearly, not only what information she has gained from the research work she commissioned but also when she will be making a final decision on Government’s most preferred option.”

The AM is also undertaking his own public survey work, in a bid to capture the widest range of local views on what the fundamental transport challenges in the Machynlleth area are.

He is encouraging people to complete a short transport survey in which he is asking local residents not only which of the Welsh Government options for the Dyfi Bridge they would like to see implemented but also he will be asking questions on road and rail travel to map the experience of commuters passing through Machynlleth on a daily basis.

Commenting, Mr George said:

“Seeking public opinion on key issues like transport, which affects people on a daily basis, is a key aspect of my role as the local AM.

“I am here to represent everyone living in Montgomeryshire and I want to know what the transport challenges that are currently frustrating the people living and working in Machynlleth.

“The survey is very short and can be completed online”

“The data I collect will provide me with robust evidence which I can use to force Welsh Ministers into taking decisive action to resolve these problems.”

The survey can be accessed at

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