AM Urges Council to Consider Parking Issues

Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert recently visited the Caerphilly Indoor Market to see first-hand the on-going success of the independently run market. Jeff also met with local entrepreneurs David and Alan Prosser and commended them for their role in re-opening the market.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said:

‘I am very pleased to see the activity in the market after meeting with the Prossers and visiting other stall holders. There are a number of wonderful and innovative products being sold at the market. For example, I was particularly pleased to see that stall holders did diabetic friendly cakes and confectionary. They were particularly tasty and that will certainly be a factor in my shopping there whenever convenient.

‘However, unfortunately the bustle of business that the market generates does have a downside for some local residents. Recently it has been brought to my attention that since the market re-opened, car parking issues have worsened for those living in the surrounding areas.

‘I will press the Council on this and work with them to see what can be done to help local residents. Insufficient car-parking space in this area was an issue I was aware of long before the market re-opened. As a Cabinet Member of Caerphilly County Borough Council re-opened the market, I am slightly surprised that they had not already taken this into account.’


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