AM Urges Young People to Take an Interest in Politics

Nick_RamsayMonmouth Assembly Member Nick Ramsay is urging young people to become more engaged in politics, following the publication of a new ComRes poll which revealed that a shocking one in four young people never registered to vote.

The figures were published on the day that a nationwide campaign by Bite the Ballot was launched, with the aim of getting as many young people as possible on the electoral register.

Speaking today (Wednesday), Mr Ramsay said:

“I know from issues I have been involved in, such as Wyedean pupils’ campaign to reduce the speed limit on the A48 bridge at Chepstow, that young people care passionately about issues which affect them.

“That’s why it’s so important that they realise that by voting they can make their voices heard on a wide variety of issues – from education to climate change from recycling to road safety and help shape the future of the country they live in.”

Mr Ramsay, who often provides work experience for young people, added:

“The more young people who vote, the more powerful their voices will be.”

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