AM Welcomes £30m Spending for Prison Building Project

Aled Roberts 1Aled Roberts, Welsh Lib Dem AM for North Wales, has welcomed the Coalition Government’s announcement on the construction of Wrexham super prison that £30m is to be spent with local businesses and 50% of the entire workforce will be recruited from the local area, including around 100 apprenticeships.

Commenting, Aled Roberts AM said:

“Ever since I was leader of Wrexham Council I have been pushing hard for a prison to be built in north Wales. Today’s announcement means that this will now be delivered by the Coalition Government.

“It was imperative that the prison also provided an economic benefit for the whole region. I am very pleased therefore that £30 million will be spent with local businesses, half of the entire workforce will be recruited from the area and 100 apprenticeships will be created locally. This will provide a much needed boost to the local community here in north Wales.

“Our region needs a prison as it’s simply not right that families from north Wales have had to travel such long distances to visit family members.  The emotional and financial strain put on these families is simply unacceptable.”

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