AM Welcomes Funding Boost for Disadvantaged Pupils

Disadvantaged pupils in Caerphilly County Borough schools are to receive a £2,484,000 funding boost thanks to the Welsh Government.

Local Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert welcomed the £32.4 million-a-year Pupil Deprivation Grant for Wales and urged Caerphilly schools to make sure the extra money would be used to help those less-well-off children.

Schools have the flexibility on how to spend the extra Pupil Deprivation funding. Each school will receive an allocation according to the number of pupils aged between 5 and 15 who are eligible for free school meals which will equate to an additional £450 per eligible pupil.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said: “The Pupil Deprivation Grant is a great way of supporting pupils in our Caerphilly schools.

“It is so important that our children reach their full potential regardless of background and I intend to work closely with schools to make sure this funding makes a real difference.”

First Minister Carwyn Jones said:

“This new money is a major boost for our schools and has one clear aim – to reduce the link between deprivation and educational attainment. The Welsh Government is taking practical action to deliver better educational opportunities for our most disadvantaged children.”

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