AM Welcomes Funds to Honour Local Heroes

Suzy_DaviesSuzy Davies, the Welsh Conservative AM, has welcomed news that £100,000 has been made available by the UK Government for the restoration of the graves of those awarded the Victoria Cross during the First World War.
It was this week announced by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles that the money would be available in a bid to restore all of the graves that are in need of repair, with headstones cleaned or, if needed, replaced.

Mrs Davies, regional AM for South Wales West, said: “With the centenary commemorations for the outbreak of the First World War taking place this year, this is a timely reminder for us all to consider the bravery and sacrifice that the people of South Wales have made for this country.

“Many people are probably unaware that they have local Victoria Cross recipients buried in their communities.”

She went on to say: “This way everyone will be able to honour and pay their respects to their local heroes, those like Sergeant Fuller who is resting in Oystermouth Cemetery, and Sergeant Rees of Morriston Crematorium in Swansea.

“They made the ultimate sacrifice and this must never be forgotten.”


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