AM Welcomes Welsh Government Investment in Chirk Railway Station

Ken_Skates_AMClwyd South AM Ken Skates has welcomed the news that Chirk Railway Station will get a £2m Welsh Government cash boost.

Transport Minister Edwina Hart confirmed (Thursday, March 20) that Chirk is one of five stations across Wales which will share £12m to improve access – and Labour Assembly Member Mr Skates said the announcement was ‘fantastic news’ for the town.

The £2m will deliver a ramped footbridge – providing an accessible route to platform one (for south-bound trains) for the first time.  The project will also provide an accessible drop-off point, disabled car park spaces and improved station signage.

Mr Skates said: “I understand work will start in May and is expected to be completed by end of 2014 – this is fantastic news for Chirk and will make a real difference to the lives of the many passengers who use this award-winning station.

“Hard-working campaigners have for years called for improved access at the station, and – like them – I am glad that these long-awaited plans are now able to get off the ground thanks to major investment from the Welsh Labour Government.”

The £12m programme is funded by £7m from the Welsh Government and £5m from the Department for Transport. Network Rail will be carrying out the work.

Mr Skates said he hoped the improvements at Chirk could also have a positive effect on tourism in the area with the expected increase in footfall.

He added: “I would like to congratulate those who have lobbied for this, particularly the Friends of Chirk Station, and I am delighted their hard work and dedication to improving the town is to be rewarded.”


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